Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Very Merry Unbirthday, to you!

Today is officially Sissy's HALF BIRTHDAY!!! Three and a half, where does the time go? To document Sissy's day I taped a conversation with her and this is how it went:

Sis, what is your favorite color?
Ummm. Pink. Because everything is colory, like the street is black and some things are purple and everything has a color.

You love princesses. Which one is your favorite?
Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Ariel and Belle. And pink L's are my favorite letter 'cause that's why we have pink colors and they match Sleeping Beauty's dress. And L is the start of my name. You have to make an L and I have a y, an l, and an i in my name.

What is your favorite thing to do?
Everything princess. I like to play costume party, mama, and all kinds of brothers, and sisters, and mommas, and daddas, and grandmas, and grandpas and Jesus and God. Jesus and God love children. 'Member the Jesus song about children? (and at this point she breaks into the song of Jesus Loves me, in it's entirety). That's the kind of song you sing. When Jesus was born he was a baby. I have a little toenail on my toe.

Sissy, who is your favorite brother?
Big Boy. And my favorite sister is... when I have a sister I will be a sister and you 'member what her name is? She's teeny tiny and her name is Kailey and she's teeny tiny. I'll have baby Owen (cousin) and Kailey and then I'll get another sister named Hannah and I'll take care of them and give them bottles and blankets and they'll have little noses.

Did you know that you are 3 and 1/2 today?
Wait, I have a question. Member what happened at the pool with those fish with the short teeth and they saw a scary bad thing and it was a shark? (no idea what she is talking about or where this was headed...redirect)

Did you know that you are 3 and 1/2 today? (again)
When I turn 4 it is February.

I could have gone on and on, but as you can see, she can pretty much talk forever about anything and I had stuff to do! :) Happy Half Birthday Sis!!


And now:


  1. Awwww, that was so cute! I laughed out loud when I read the tiny toenail part...she's adorable.

  2. Oh my God do you have on a SKIRT???? Did Hell recently freeze over? ;)

  3. TOO CUTE! Kids say the funniest things!
