Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pinch, pinch

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I have discovered that this is not one of my favorite holidays to involve kids in because they just cannot get past the pinching. If you have on green, you get pinched. If you don't have on green, you get pinched harder. I am kicking myself for mentioning the word pinch at all. Despite all this, the kids are prepared for the day. Mommy on the other hand is wearing KSU purple for tonight's game. And yes, I've already been pinched.



So sorry, long time- no blog. I have been keeping up with others but have been AWFUL about commenting. Stressful times recently but I am gearing up to re-engage!

And now off to go watch NCAA basketball. This is absolutely my favorite time of the year to be a SAHM. Games on all day Thursday and Friday and I'm here able to watch them all! It's a sickness, I'm well aware. Keeping my fingers crossed for my number one KU but also excited to see my hometown Wildcats kick some butt! Pat and I are heading out tonight for some St. Patrick's Day drinks and basketball and tomorrow night I will be foregoing my MNO to scream at my TV while Kansas plays. I love this time of year!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the "Do Not Pinch" shirt!!

    I had no idea it was a holiday until I walked into the park today and saw everyone wearing green. I was thinking, "What the heck is going on?" Duh.
