Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Nothing in this world can make me as happy or make me laugh as much as Big Boy and Sissy. No amount of stress can withstand their little grinning faces.

I have been stressed lately. Lots of things going on, none of which I want to get into on a blog post, but by evening time I have lost a lot, if not all, of my cheeriness for the day. And with hubby at work last night and a 10 day vacation looming in the next few days, I was forced to run errands last night with Wild Thing 1 and 2. Were they any wilder last night than any other? No. Did they do anything particularly bad? No. But I wasn't in the mood for it.

Car ride to Dillons- "Mama. Mama. Mama. Mama." Yes?!?!?!?!?!?! "aljekjtkghauytioengkal" (or whatever language Big Boy speaks) On, and on, and on he went. "Just be quiet and stop talking to me!" Yep, the words came out of my mouth.

Wal-mart- Noticed how Toy Story has invaded every aisle and nearly every product made right now? Well my two year old is obsessed with it and he happens to have a very loud voice and my head last night was just not having the noise. And EVERY aisle we walked down "TOY STORY. TOY STORY. TOY STORY BREAD. TOY STORY CEREAL. TOY STORY POTTY. TOY STORY BACKPACK. TOY STORY..."

Without elaborating on some of the words I used last night, it was a little rough. Although, one large root beer float later, I started to feel very guilty. I tried to relax a while and Big Boy came in to keep me company. He had props, and I grabbed my camera.

Leaping off of the couch...and I didn't even care!



Sissy wanted to be included so I snapped all 3 of us. I loved this pic immediately because my handsome little superhero from above looks like such a BABYface.

Sissy had not napped, so she headed to bed. It was now about 9:00 and I was ready to relax with some NJ Housewives. I turned to Big Boy and said "It's time for bed buddy!" To which he replied "No bed. I unna cuddle my mommy." No other words were needed. He laid down with me and- I'm not kidding you- watched almost an hour of television laying in my arms, barely moving.

I woke up this morning and my first thought was not about what all is going on right now but rather of my BABY. Within minutes of waking up he already had me reaching for my camera. He is 32 months old and wearing a 12 month onesie, a conductor's hat, and carrying around his posse.

My BABY will be 3 soon. He is a fast talker with lots to say but is pretty slow in the speech development department. He takes huge breathes every couple of words so it breaks his sentences up. Some he says often...
"I like it...dot dogs. Cancakes. Copcicles."
"Mama, I no Big Boy. I Buzz. To finity and yond!" (I often have to call him by another name, he loves to pretend he is any Toy Story character or super hero)
"Mama, I love you. I no in trouble. I sorry."
"Mama, Sissy did it. Step on poley." (meaning-he did it, stepping on defenseless bugs)
"Mama, cuddle me."
"Mama, get it!" (always in the car while I'm driving)
"Mama, kiss. Hug. Squeeze."
"Mama, I want it...doo doo head" (Doo Doo Head is what he calls Mr. Potato Head from Toy Story- he doesn't have one and is dying for one)
Notice how every sentence starts with Mama?

All seemingly easy phrases, but it's taken him a little time to master the way he puts words together. And it is a trait in him that I really appreciate because it reminds me every day how little he is, no matter how big boy he acts, and how interesting he is to listen to connect with.
My darling BABY.

And Sissy...xoxo

And after proofreading this post I realize in some of your sick minds you may be thinking that I am trying to give a clue or allude to more babies. Well, you are WRONG! :) The only BABIES in my life are the kiddos pictured above! ;)


  1. Yes, Alyssa... you DID have me going a little bit. I was just sure at the end of this post would be an announcement. ;)

  2. Ha! I thought the same thing for a few minutes!! Maybe someday? This was a great post (not that the rest aren't), you had me cracking up. I could relate to nearly everything, especially the whole "mama, mama, mama...?!?!?!" while you're driving stuff. I've said, "Mama is driving right now and can't pick up your cup" so many times that Ethan now randomly says "Mama driving, no cup". Oh, and wearing a 12 month onsie at 32 months....I'm sure we'll have you beat. I am able to easily squeeze my 22 month old into several 6-12 month shirts AND shorts. At least we get some good use out of their clothes, huh?

  3. The post just made me smile! It's so easy to get frustrasted and just need a break. But as soon as you start to get a break they do something so darn cute and then the break is no longer needed. As much as my kids can drive me nuts some days, all the little things they do give me the biggest smiles and me so thankful I have them in my life!
