Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Schooool's OUT FOR SUMMER!

The end of school countdown began last Friday when Sissy had field day. It was Big Boy's last day of Kid's Day Out, which worked out perfectly. When we arrived in Sis' class that morning the kids discovered their cocoons (or "pacoons" as Sissy calls them) were starting to break open. Amazing- in all the moments for those butterflies to come out they did it in the 10 minutes we were in the room that day! The kids were soooo excited- and the parents were, too. I had never seen anything like it either. The kids got to see the butterflies peel out and then unroll their wings- it was the best science lesson of the year!

Daddy took off work so he got to come and cheer Sis on!

There were so many events- too many to count. There was an awesome obstacle course that included hoop jumping, shooting a basketball, walking a balance beam, kicking a goal, and crawling through a tunnel.





Afterward we enjoyed a picnic and a snow cone. I have to say that it was freezing outside- Pat and I were miserable. But the kids, all in shorts and tees, did not mind a bit! The thing I really liked about the school's field day was that every station was set up very specifically by the kids' PE teacher using a skill they had worked on during the year. The PE teacher is wonderful and they work hard on coordination and basic athletic skills. Then she works with them on the events before field day, too.

Today was the last day and the class celebrated with an Ice Cream Sundae Party!


Big Boy making himself at home at one of the tables...


Sissy's teachers are so amazing. They made each child a CD of all of their preschool songs and chapel favorites...

And they put together a beautiful memory book. It is easily an inch thick, they put so much work into it! The cover was some tye dye work the kids had done and they had each child draw their picture and write their name. Sissy added a rainbow after hers...

Here are just a couple of the pages...

(Sis is in the blue dress)


They did several questionnaires with them that were HILARIOUS! Here is one she did about me:

I hated to do it but I kind of had to grill her on this a bit. Chocolate milk? "Well, that's what I like to drink" Pancakes? "Well, that's what Daddy likes to eat!" AMERICAN IDOL???? "That is what Grandma likes to watch". Well, at least she got my hair color right!



The books are so special.
Not only were there a TON of pictures in there- on the front and back of pages- but they also really documented her progress throughout the year. They had them do several things- writing their name, the alphabet, drawing people multiple times throughout the year so you can really see the progress. She had wonderful teachers this year!

The kids and I are really ready for summer and swim. We leave next Friday to start our 10 day vacation. After that we are really going to relax this summer and do all the fun things we can. Next year Sis will be in school every day and even Big Boy will be in 3 days a week! Hard to imagine, but for now we are going to enjoy some time free from schedules and spend some quality time together!


  1. I hardly ever get to see Sissy on playdates so I can really see how she's grown up in your blog!!! What a beautiful little girl, you must be very proud. LOVE her memory book, I'm sure you'll cherish that for years (my mom just gave me one I did in kindergarten, talk about funny!). What are you going to do with yourself once they are BOTH in school? Time for another one???? :)

  2. The book is AWESOME!! I love it when teachers document different things throughout the year. Looks like field day was a lot of fun.

  3. It is very neat to see their progress through the year. The teachers did a great job putting those things together-how special!
