Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ode to the Big Boy (sniff, sniff)

My darling "baby" turns 2 tomorrow. I can't believe it. Where did the time go? I hate that it seems like only yesterday he was just a baby but at the same time it is so fun to enter into a stage where he is truly his own little person.

What I love about My Baby T

1. He is a boy. In every sense of the word he is a boy. Anyone who has ever met him can attest to the fact that he is rough and tough and wild. And I love it.

2. Despite him being a stereotypical "boy", he is so sweet and so cuddly. I get hugs and kisses from him all day long. Whenever we are in the family room playing or I'm in the kitchen cooking he will come up to me and kiss my leg, my foot, or my arm and grin and run away.

3. He loves his blanket. When he wakes up in the morning he likes to be cuddled first with his blanket before he runs off to play.

4. I love how well he can talk and that most people don't know it. He does not show off his words- he keeps them secret and then will all of a sudden say something to bring a smile to my face. The other day I said "oh, T, I love you so." And he said "MUCH!"

5. I love that he is such a good sleeper. Always sleeps all night, never any problems with him. And I love that he will wake up and play in his crib. And most of all I love that he hasn't tried to climb out of it yet!

6. I love that he loves me to sing to him in his rocking chair. And that he will sing along with me.

7. I love how when I am in another room he will run to me "mama, mama, mama, mama" and then start telling me, in his own language, about what he is doing.

8. I love that he will put his fist out to a cashier at Target and say "blow it up".

9. I love that his eyes, which started very blue, are going to be green like mine. And I love his beautiful blond hair. And I love how he is built- skinny and muscular.

10. I love how he is to his sister. He torments her, of course, but then he also will play Snow White with her and be the prince. She pretends to be asleep and he goes to kiss her.

11. Big Boy is everything I ever wanted in a boy. Pat and I laugh that someday as a teenager we are going to be bailing him out of jail for something, of which he will be innocent of course, ;)- but he is everything that we ever imagined and he makes our daily lives so fun. There isn't a single day that goes by where we don't say to each other "He is so CUTE!"


Birthday celebrations will be in full swing tomorrow!


  1. HAPPY 2nd BIIIIIRTHDAAAAY BIG BOY!!! I love all of his pictures, he is really a handsome little guy. Love those dimples!! And you're right, the few times I've been around him, he's pretty quiet (lots of observing) but I can just see him warming right up and talking my ear off. How long were his eyes blue? Ethan's are super blue but I always wonder if they'll change to green like mine, too.

  2. Happy Birthday T! The time flies by! I can remember T in that first picture 2 years ago and us bringing T & E to meetups after only 2 weeks of having them! Hope he has a good day!

  3. Happy birthday!! Looking at those pictures certainly brought back some memories. I can't believe he's 2 already! It doesn't seem that long ago that I was stealing that teeny, tiny baby from you to hold! Bring on the next baby so we can do that again! :)
