Friday, September 18, 2009

Terrible Two goes to School

Big Boy started school today! And by school I mean Kid's Day Out at the church. It is only one day a week but he goes for 3 1/2 hours- longer than Sis goes!

Since the day that my baby turned two it seems he has adapted a new mentality and that is to make everything a little more difficult. I go to put him in the car "I unt Sissy's seat" (which of course sets off chaos), I tell him to sit down at the table "No mama!", I attempt to be a laid back mom and let him walk by himself into school to drop off L "insert-screaming, running down the halls".

I, of course, will be the first to make an excuse for him and say that he is really talking now and gets frustrated because we don't always understand what he wants. EVERY sentence he says starts with "I want" and ends with "too" (we're not sure why). All day long- "Unt shoe on too" "Unt a dwink too" "Unt dee-buh-dee too (DVD)". He is loving expressing himself but then we'll be sitting at the dinner table and he is screaming for something and we have no idea what. He's pointing like crazy and I am guessing like crazy but sometimes I just can't figure it out.

So he has been a touch on the ornery side. I was a little worried about today because there are days where I leave him at KidZone at the Y for an hour and when I come back the teachers are visibly annoyed. I'll say "How'd he do?" And they'll say "Oh, he's been climbing on the high chairs" or "Oh, he kept taking the truck away from that little boy". But we're working with him, we really are. The nice thing about T is he gets in big trouble but he is quick to repent so luckily his bad spells end up with smiles!

This is his new backpack I ordered him. He loves it because he feels he is like his two favorite girls- Sissy and Dora!

All ready to go!


Wanting to pack his backpack with the essentials- trains and a hammer. Oh, his teacher would love me!

And when I went to pick him up I got a great report! His teachers said he was the only one who didn't cry at all and that he did really well. They said his favorite thing was singing and dancing.
He also made a picture he was proud to show me!

And I have to show, too, that Sis got a backpack as well like Big Boy's for ballet- which she LOVES! She has a rehearsal a week from Saturday and then a mini-performance the following Saturday at Greater Andover Days. I think it will be so cute, she doesn't have very many girls in her class and they are hilarious to watch. Who knows what they'll do on stage???


  1. Cute bags! I especially love the dance one! :)

    Glad to hear T had a great first KDO!

  2. Yes, where did you order the bags from!? They are really cute! I'm also excited to start KDO, I know I have a while yet before he's old enough but I'm looking forward to it. Tate has the biggest dimple on his right cheek...sooo cute!

  3. Emerson HAS to sit in Easton's seat now too since he is at school!!! Otherwise we start WWII. I cave of course!

    I love the bags!! Very cute!!
