Monday, December 20, 2010


Big Boy has had some issues lately with some shaking in his legs and after being called to his preschool because his teacher thought he was having a seizure (which was most likely not the case, according to our doctor), our ped. sent us to a neurologist to check things out. We have endured over 2 weeks of poking, prodding, tests, and doctors with no answer yet- but also an end to the shaking. So we are hoping that this was a fluke of growing, a vitamin that he wasn't getting, or something that was just off for a bit. We are awaiting the results of one last test but as of now Big Boy has a clean bill of health.

Preparing for his first round of sedations, checking for seizures.

Two hours later...

Three hours later! I was sweating like a pig. At one point I had to go to the bathroom so bad that I had to hand his limp little body over to a nurse to hold!

And on the way home, still sound asleep. We picked up Sissy at Mandy's (thank you dear!!) and it became a theme when she passed out, too!

And STILL sleeping... But don't worry, he did eventually wake up and resume normal behavior!

Later that week- Sedation Round Two. Only this time for an MRI and it was a much bigger deal that included 8 hours in the hospital, $500, and our own hospital room!

Pretending to be mad! After all, the poor kid hadn't been allowed to eat since 6:00 the night before and now he was confined to one room!

But it never lasts long with T.

Bored. out. of. our. minds.

Finally some action! An IV and a cool splint thing!

And an awesome wheelchair ride from a fun tech down to radiation.

One dose of meds into his IV and he was out in seconds. It was crazy. I stayed right with him during the test and then we were taken back up to the room for him to sleep it off. For 3 hours.

The doctor wanted to see him so the nurse finally woke him up. She stirred him by asking what color of popcicle he wanted, red, purple, or orange. "Green," he sleepily replied. Crap! The nurse told me she'd never been asked for a green one and went to scour the hospital for his color of choice. Bingo! We hung around for awhile to make sure the vitals were good and headed home to relax. He was happy to see Sissy return that night after spending the whole day with Sarah and Grandma K. (thank you guys!!!)

Big Boy is an amazing patient. Everyone was commenting him. He loves to see needles pierce into his skin. He is not affected by the site of 4 viles of blood being extracted from his arm and he willingly drank more than one awful substance. Maybe we have a future doctor on our hands- he was fascinated by all of it. We have had numerous dr. appts. and I have yet to see the kid get really mad or even cry despite being food and sleep deprived for some of his tests.

And by the next morning it was business as usual. (notice how they each have one princess heel on in addition to one of the other sibling's shoe) Gotta love a fireman with an ax, pink sunglasses, and a heel on.


  1. I've been thinking about your guys! Hope all is well for Big Boy! Glad to see he was an excellent patient!

  2. Oh, I bet that was scary. I'm so happy they don't think it was of any concern...and that he is so great with all of the exams!

  3. Oh man, I don't know whether to be happy that Big Boy is SUCH a cute, strong, happy, and TOUGH little boy or sad that he's had to go through all of this. I'm happy to hear that he's healthy and hope that this continues to be the case! Love the sleeping pictures, man...if I could get my hands on some of that sedation medicine....ha!

  4. So, so, so glad everything looks like this was just a fluke. LOVE the pics, and I'm glad for both you and Tate that the process was more fascinating than terrifying for him!

    Have a wonderful holiday break if I don't see you guys before then! Much LOVE!

  5. What a trooper! So, so SO glad that things are looking A-OK. We were really worried for you all. Thanks for keeping us posted!
