Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why do I want to title every post "catch up"?

I have not been with it at all lately! Not just with blogging, as I know that the first thing to go when I am busy is the blogging. But everything seems to have taken a hit lately. My organization is a mess and my house matches it. After dinner I have chosen to relax every evening in place of doing dishes so if you see my kitchen before noon on any given day there is bound to be a sink full of stinky, dirty dishes. Why??? Well, after long consideration I have decided to attribute it to the weather. I just do not handle dreary days well, aka, I have little to no motivation. And EVERY DAY has been like that for weeks now. Clouds, fog, and gloom have been dragging me down for a couple weeks. I've definitely been cranky to match. My tolerance level has gone down- especially in the kid and stupid people arena. I am trying to give my kids more of a break, they really aren't that bad. ;) And spring is almost here!!

I started a diet for the new year. Pat was making fun of me at our family get together the night before the diet started because I was making the most of my last free day. This is pretty embarrassing to post, but I made the most of my last day. There was so much great food and creme puffs are totally my weakness!
I am happy to report, though, that the last time I checked (last week) I was down 11 pounds!! If I lost 20 I would be thrilled so it is a great start. If I reach 24 I will be back to pre-baby. Ahhh, the thought makes me smile. I have realized I am absolutely not a dieter, not a "don't eat any chips" at a restaurant girl, but I have cut back/been more mindful of calories and taken on two hour workouts at least 4 times a week at the Y. Taking Big Boy to Kid Zone while Sis is at school gives me a great break in my day and I am feeling crappy on days I don't work out so I have been pretty consistent.

Blah, blah, blah, diet, exercise, calories. Now all I have are totally random pictures that seem so irrelevant now since Christmas was a month ago. But this blog has become somewhat of a dumping ground/graveyard for my pictures, so here they are!

Heading to a family Christmas- this is the best picture I could get.

I have to include this one. Our family on both sides think Big Boy is so funny when he crosses his eyes so over the holidays we saw this A LOT! He thinks he is hilarious. His fave place to do it, though, is at restaurants or in the cart at Target to thoroughly humiliate his parents. (because he looks so- not right???)


Sissy in one of her winter coats from our bffs in New York:

My siblings and my kids:




So, over the span of a couple weeks my brother had visited a couple times and convinced (with the help of my mom) Sissy that he was absolutely going to get her a hippo for Christmas. At first she thought he was "sneezing" but as the joke went on she became very worried. "I don't want Micah to get me a hippo." She was not happy at all. When she opened her gift she did, in fact, get a hippo. To light up our front yard next year. She did not think it was very funny.

T got a fireman costume that he is obsessed with:

Amongst Sissy's gifts was a red Belle dress and a Belle Sparkle Baby:

T got a remote-controlled Pluto that he loves:

And Sissy on a random pajama day with a random "head bone" in:

So will I get any better at blogging, working, or organization now that the sun is coming out? Hopefully! We have lots coming up! Sissy is about to be 4!!! We have a family and friend birthday party planned and it is fun because she is very involved this year. She is making the choices for her celebrations so there is a lot of excitement.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about letting things slide during the gloomy weather, you're not the only one with dishes in the sink!! Awesome job on your New Year's health plan, 11 pounds is awesome, you're going to be super skinny if you lose a total of 24 pounds though! Funny picture of T crossing his eyes, probably not so funny when it does it a lot though huh? :)
