So we were very optimistic. Big Boy was a great patient and got to keep his cast, which was awesome!

And then the cast came off. And it looked...bad. Exactly the way it looked when I took him in a month ago. The nurse had a bad look on her face, he had to get a ton of x-rays, and I felt sick. This is what his arm looks like:

In this picture you can really see how the bone sticks out still.

But isn't he still so cute and happy?

This is his "normal, other arm:

And this is his broken arm. See the difference, the big curve? His bones essentially healed curved and so much bone grew around the break that he has a mass that sticks out.

Despite all this, he is happy and healthy and will be going to a pediatric orthopaedist next week to discuss the next step. The kids have Easter parties at school today, and I just had to take some pics of them ready to go.

Pat has a feeling they will tell us he can have surgery where they re-break it and cast it again or that we can leave it and hope that it doesn't make too much of a difference. We'll see. I have to say, it looks horrifying in person. And to touch it feels like the bone is still sticking out. :( This is the worst part of parenting, when something is wrong with your child! So what do you think? Is he "healed"?
Oh no! Poor guy! Poor Mama!
ReplyDeleteI would definitely take in all the Dr. has to say. You want to give him the best chance to succeed at things (like sports) in the future, so I would be asking what the potential benefits/risks are of leaving it alone vs. having it repaired.
My gut would tell me that, although invasive, some pins and plates might be what he needs to give it the best structural stability for the future. I'm not sure, though, since he is still so young. I know with an adult contact athlete, there would little chance they would leave that alone for fear of it re-breaking instantly upon contact...
Apparently, from their reactions, this doesn't happen too often??? So sorry!
Oh gosh! No advice here, but I'll be saying a little prayer for all of you!
ReplyDeleteYikes! No fun for any of you! :( I wished I had some advice for you, I guess if I tried really hard to put myself in your shoes I'd (obviously) listen to what the dr has to say first but probably lean towards fixing it properly. Too bad they didn't do an xray during his healing process to ensure it was growing back right. He's still cute as can be though, broken arm or not!
ReplyDeleteOh dear! I don't have any advice either. If it helps, when I had seen him at the Egg Hunt, I didn't notice his arm. I sure think he looks adorable in his tie shirt though!! I wish you all the best of luck in any decisions you make :)