Thursday, October 1, 2009


I was ready to make dinner and so I sat the kids in the family room with a movie to watch. As I cooked and watched them I just smiled at my wild one T. He couldn't just sit and watch the show. He watched it standing on the arm of our chair...


He watched it standing on a toy...


And he watched it standing on the fireplace...


I also watched as he experimented with a new game. He would close his eyes and take baby steps up to where Sis was watching the TV to see how close he got before he stepped on her. He never opened his eyes until he was actually laying on top of her with her screaming pinned underneath him.

Pat was at a work dinner tonight at a fancy restaurant eating steak and lobster. Normally that would give me an excuse to get something delicious for myself but I had just gone to the Y and did not want to gain all those calories back. So I had brown rice with some shrimp and made the kids Pizza Rolls and peas. I know, I know. So I call everyone for dinner. Sissy goes to the table and sees that her pink booster has been MOVED! She says (in one sentence) "Mommy, all my friend's mommies moved my seat on accident purpose and did not put it back and that is not being kind!" (we had a playdate at our house this morning)

Sissy: "So, Mommy, how was your day?"

Me: "Good, L. We had a playdate, went to lunch with our friends, you took a nap, and then we went to the Y so I could exercise. It was a good day."

Sis: "What did you do at ass-ker-sizes?

Me: "I ran and used the elliptical."

Sis: "I am so proud of you!"

My kids always crack me up at dinner. They are polar opposites food-wise. Sissy ate all of her peas and no pizza rolls. Big Boy ate all of his pizza rolls and no peas. Then Sissy asked "how many of my dinner do I have to eat?" (after being threatened w/ no dessert) and I told her 2 pizza rolls. She squeezes the cheese and sauce out onto her plate before eating and Big Boy squeezes the cheese and sauce right into his mouth and laughs.

The kids could tell that I thought they were being cute and funny so naturally they took advantage of my good mood. There are some times when you just have to smile at how funny and unique your kids are!

Making funny faces:

Showing off our yummy pumpkin sugar cookies we made. Yes, some families are homemade cookie people but we are more of a break-and-bake family.

Oh, it was just a fun evening. We are going to relax this evening and the kids are going to take a big, long bubble bath!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had loads of fun at dinner!! The picture of T standing on the chair arm is so funny, aren't kids just weird sometimes? I also think he and Ethan could be brothers, that picture of T close up reminds me of an older version of Ethan.
