Thursday, July 30, 2009

Laundry woes, Target hell, and I'm pretty sure I need therapy

What a day. And it isn't even close to being over yet! To begin my story/rant I will divulge a secret little tidbit that my husband will kill me for...he is wearing a pair of my boxers today. A pair of boxers that I bought when I was in high school when it was cool for girls to wear boxers. After exiting the shower today he pointed to a full basket of clothes lying in the hall and asked if they were clean. I really wanted to say yes but I didn't want everyone at his work to have to smell him all day so I admitted that they were not. He told me he did not have any clean boxers and I immediately went off on how "I have had a lot on my mind and he needs to tell me if he is on his last pair of underwear." We decided he would wear gym shorts until I found that particular pair of 90's boxers in my pajama drawer. I feel sorry for him, I really do. So sorry, in fact, that I have done 2 whole loads of his laundry today. So tomorrow when he wakes up and sees another basket of unfolded clothes in the hallway I can proudly tell him they are clean. That should get me by for awhile.

Twice a year Target has a big toy sale and they mark their sale toys to 75% off. I love it. In the winter I buy for Sissy's birthday and in the summer I buy for Big Boy's. My friends and I- even though we swear we aren't going to- stalk every Target in Wichita for days in advance trying to guess what will be marked down, by how much, and how many of every item we/our children "need". This year I told myself I would not go overboard and the one thing I/Big Boy really needed was this particular Thomas the Train toy that would be marked down to under $3.

Big Boy is OBSESSED with trains and will be thrilled to see his new train table we have gotten him for his second birthday. Well, every time he sees this Thomas toy (that comes completely empty btw, you have to buy the trains to fill it separately) he goes crazy. I have been watching it at Target and waiting for it to go. We wake up this morning and I drag 3 children- yes 3, mine and another little girl- to not one, but 3 Targets in search of this toy. I am too late at all of them, the toy is gone, and to top it off at the second Target some lovely person opened their door into mine and DENTED/SCRATCHED MY CAR while I was shopping!
I was pretty sure it was a direct result of the torturous morning I was putting my kids through and I can only hope that the person who did this will be the benefactor of some cosmic payback.

Moving on, I am pretty sure I need to enter some sort of therapy. I mean, really, I scored a lot of cool toys for the kids and all I could think about was that my son would not be getting the train case he loved. Rather than accepting my loss and going home I acted like a complete idiot and kept driving right past my house over to the closest Toys R Us to buy the toy at full price. I would love to pretend that this kind of lunacy is just because I am such a great mom but I think I would be fooling myself! Oh well, he'll have a great birthday present and hopefully it is worth all of the gas I used and a permanent disfigurement to my car.

Here is the other loot I scored, though, for about 20 bucks!



  1. You did better than I! I spent $84 and came home with 7 bags of toys WE DON'T NEED! Saving them for Christmas, though! :)

  2. I did go to the Derby Target. They were wiped clean of Barbie and princess things when I got there, too. I got a few Leapster games and Tag books, a PJ Sparkles doll, some dress up stuff, bath toys, a board game, Polly Pockets, and stuff for Amelia.

  3. That is awesome! I always hit the one in January but I didn't know they did it in July too! I wonder if they'll have anything left now...if I see the train case, I'll get it for ya ;) Then you can return the full priced one! Sorry you had such a rough day getting good deals!
