Forgive me for my lack of wording in this post and the next! I am utilizing the 'pictures are worth a thousand words' saying and banking on the fact that my pictures will explain what a wonderful time we had!
We love, love, love Colorado. It is so gorgeous and the weather...wonderful. Only bad thing is that we got back right in the midst of a very busy time! However, we got plenty of relaxing in there and are ready to begin our new school year!
(I swear I did not tell him to do the peace sign. I don't know where he got it from!)
I am a 31 year old mommy of two little "angels" who make everything interesting and a super husband who works super hard for us. We are lucky to have a great support system where we are and we are always on the go. My life is not glamorous and sleep is often the only escape, but I have a happy, healthy family and that is all I ask for!
Sissy is our princess. She loves dancing and singing and begs to wear a dress every single day. Sissy is a thinker and takes time to process what is around her and when her true personality shines...well, look out!
Big Boy
Big boy is our rambuntcious "baby" who is always on the go. He is all boy and enjoys activity. He is rough and tumble but is mommy's snuggler with kisses to share- especially when he is in trouble! He is friendly, funny, and makes friends wherever he goes.