Friday, May 21, 2010

Backyard Updates and Improvements

Awhile back I posted this
about the craziness that became replacing our sewer line and destroying our backyard. To be honest, we've really avoided our backyard lately. The machines tore up the ground so much that it is just a bunch of dirt. Fun and fine- as long as it hasn't rained recently. We have to let the mound of dirt settle before we can replant our entire lawn, probably in the fall. The pile has been creeping down, though, so that has been encouraging.

Last week Pat came across an amazing deal from a friend to get a new in the box 14 foot trampoline for about 70% off what it sells for in store. We decided, despite the devastation/jungle that was our backyard, it would be too much fun and the deal was too good to pass up. So we bought this "6 and older" monstrosity and Pat put it right up.






Today was the first day we had used it because of the rain and holy crap- I think I lost an entire pant size. We spent the morning at the Y since I'm back on my diet plan. I started last weekend with a goal of losing 12 pounds- and I lost 3 within the first 2 days. (meaning=I eat too much food when I am not being careful) We came home and climbed on and I was dying within a couple of minutes, but that thing is exhilarating! It was a lot of fun. But those suckers generate heat like no body's business, we are going to have to move it more into the shade. After 5 minutes I was panting like crazy and dripping sweat. But we had a great time and I think we are going to enjoy our new addition! I'll have to host a playdate, although it will be every mother's nightmare- dirt everywhere, weeds growing like crazy, blazing sun, and the potential for broken extremities. :)


  1. Sounds fun, where do we sign up? No, really... I would love a trampoline like that. Awesome!

  2. The kids would love one too! The mini one will have to do. Can't wait to come try out the big one!
